Monday, May 11, 2009

I never thought I would do something like this but thanks to the 23 Things 'n @ Program here it is my first blog post !


  1. Hey Cathy!

    Wahoo for the blog - love the colors! In scrolling through week 1's comments, I noticed yours with your blog address. If you can, try to post your comments for each week on the corresponding week's blog post - I know it's confusing! But you're on your way! Rock on!

  2. Ditto on the colors - very eye-catching! Can't wait to read more of your thoughts and reflections on the 23 Things.

  3. Cathy -

    I noticed from the Week 3 comments that you subscribed to a gardening RSS. I've been looking for a good one - the one I chose wasn't so great :-( Would you share the site with me? Thanks!
